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Education and Training

About Department of Education & Training

To actively contribute towards planning, coordination, implementation, evaluation and consultancy in the field of education and training related to health and family welfare using modern appropriate technology to fulfill the institutional goals to act as an apex National Training Institute.

1. To effectively participate in the education and training activities of the Institute.
2. To develop expertise in education and training programmes from pedagogical angle, with particular reference to the development of health manpower for community health.
3. To identify, adopt and innovate new concepts and methodologies for the education and training of health professionals.
4. To conduct Researches in various aspects pertaining to systems approach to training.
5. To provide consultancy to the departments of the NIHFW and other agencies involved in education and training in health in the following areas-
a. Training Needs assessment
b. Formulation of Objectives
c. Training Methods (Role play, group discussion, case method, role play simulation)
d. Curriculum Planning
e. Evaluation procedures
f. Educational planning and administration
g. Training of trainers
h. Planning and management of community based education and training in health and family welfare
i. Micro Teaching
6. To ensure the quality of the training in the field of health & Family Welfare

By executing these activities, the Education & Training Department plays a pivotal role in enhancing employee capabilities, driving organizational performance, and fostering a culture of learning and development within the organization. The department conducts “Training Course on Curriculum Design for Health Professionals” every year.

Faculty & Staff:

Prof. Mihir Kumar Mallick
Professor and Head(Act.)


M.A.(Psychology),  M.A. (Env. Edu.),    M.Ed., P.G. Dip. (Env. Edu.),    Advance Diploma in Special Edu.,    Certificate in Guidance,         Ph.D. (Univ. of Dellhi)

email: drmihir[at]nihfw[dot]org

Tel: 011- 2616595 Ext: 368, 153


Dr. Manisha

Assistant Research Officer

Ph.D, MA ( Economics) Gold Medalist, MA (Counseling Psychology) & B.Ed. E-mail:


Last Updated:02-08-2024